Author: Marco Kawasaki


4 reasons why you should have a workers’ insurance

A form of business coverage, workers’ insurance protects workers who have sustained injuries at the workplace. Besides accidents, some plans also cover injuries caused because of workplace violence and natural calamities. It not only benefits the workers but also the employers. This insurance provides benefits to employees like medical coverage, rehabilitation, and disability or death […]

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Credit cards

Pros and cons of having a credit card

A credit card is a double-edged sword. If used wisely, it can prove to be a great financial tool, but it can heavily affect your financial well-being if misused. If you intend to own a credit card, knowing how to use it wisely will be helpful. Listed below are a few pros and cons of […]

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5 tips to get the best life insurance cover

Life insurance is a financial product designed to protect the interests of your loved ones or people who depend upon you financially. While no one like to think of death, it is essential to address it to ensure that it does not affect the wellbeing of one’s kin. Getting life insurance ensures that the beneficiaries […]

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All you need to know about blanket insurance

If you have multiple properties, insuring all of them separately may be hard to manage. Instead, you can opt for a blanket insurance policy where you insure all of them together. Read on to know more about this type of insurance. What is blanket insurance? Blanket insurance is a single insurance policy that covers multiple […]

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5 Tips to Save When Shopping for Car Insurance

Owning a car makes daily commute easier, but car insurance is equally essential if you are a car owner. However, the increasing price of cars in the market means car insurance rates are skyrocketing too, so it is necessary to remember a few tips to save on car insurance: Don’t opt for the first quote […]

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All about workers’ insurance in the country

Every economy is built using components that are designed to balance the challenges one may face or already facing in their day to day life. As we proceed onwards in the current century, it is up to us to learn from the mistakes of the past and build a foolproof system which secures the interest […]

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All about blanket insurance

Blanket insurance is an insurance policy which covers more than one property on the same location or same kind of property at different locations or multiple kinds of property at different locations. This insurance also covers personal possessions, the dwelling, and the home owner’s possessions. What is property insurance? Property insurance is divided into two […]

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4 benefits offered by insurance companies

The main purpose of insurance is to provide financial support to cover losses of lives or any kind of goods or bear different types of expenses of the insured person in different situations. Insurance is not only beneficial to an individual; it is equally advantageous for different organizations as well as society. Owing to its […]

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3 tips for selecting the right insurance company

Imagine ending up exhausting all your savings to restore your house that you lost in a fire? The thought itself is daunting and that’s why having an insurance is a must. Whether you are looking for an auto or term insurance, health or home insurance, purchasing an insurance policy can be overwhelming. Right from checking […]

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Credit cards

The effects of bad credit

A credit score is a three-digit numerical score that denotes the likelihood of repayment of a loan. It is based on data from your previous credit transactions. It also takes account of any state or federal tax liens or legal judgments against you. Your credit score determines whether banks or lenders are willing to approve […]

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