Having a credit card has now become a necessity for a number of reasons. It is much better than having a personal loan. Also, in recent years, the interest rates on credit cards have significantly reduced, and that surely is favorable for customers.
So if you are looking for a credit card, a low-interest one is the best bet as you can make big purchases and pay after some time at the lowest APR.
While choosing a credit card, you can also look for one that gives away reward points on every purchase. Ideally, a low-interest credit card can help you build a good credit score in case you are applying for any loans/financial schemes in the future. Here’s a look at some of the best low-interest credit cards that you may want to consider.
- Discover it: This credit card comes at an interest rate between the range of 14.24% to 25.24% after 14 months. No annual fees are levied on this card. Additionally, you get 5% cash back every quarter for different purposes such as gas, grocery, food, and online purchases. You can also avail 1% unlimited cash back on any other purchases.
- Capital One Quicksilver: There are no annual fees for this card, and you don’t have to pay a single penny on any foreign transactions. This credit card also offers 0% intro APR up to 15 months and 18.24%-26.24% variable APR thereafter. Also, you get 1.5% cash back on any purchase on a daily basis. Users can avail the one-time $150 cash bonus after $500 spending within the first 3 months.
- Citi Simplicity Card: This is probably the best option as there are no late fees, penalty rates, and annual fees. You get 0% intro APR on purchases for the first 12 months and a variable APR of 16.24% – 26.24% after that. Also, there is no APR on balance transfer for 21 months from the time of transfer.
- Chase Freedom Unlimited: This credit card offers 0% intro APR for a good 15 months on purchases and balance transfer and with a variable pay of 17.24-25.99% afterward. You get a 3% cash back on any purchase in the first year condition to a certain amount spent. Also, there is no minimum amount required to redeem for cash back.
- Capital One Venture One: There’s absolutely no interest rates for the first 12 months on any purchase. Also, this credit card gives you loads of reward points such as 1.25X miles on every purchase on an everyday basis with no hassle of paying an annual fee. Also, you get 10X on several hotels. If you spend $1000 within the first three months, 20,000 miles of a one-time bonus is all yours.
- Wells Fargo Platinum Visa Card: This card offers 0% intro on balance transfers and purchases for a period of 18 months. In case of phone damage, this credit card provides protection up to $600 on the condition that you pay your bills with this credit card.