

Top savings plans for your child’s future

As a family, it is necessary to carefully review your financial management and set aside at least three months’ worth of living expenses for emergencies. It is equally necessary to invest in savings accounts for various purposes that you can draw from when necessary. When you start saving for a family, it is important to […]

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6 Benefits of Opening a Student Savings Account

It’s really important that students learn how to save money as early as they can. This gives you the opportunity to manage your expenses, plan your savings, and helps you become more responsible with money. A student savings account is a fantastic financial tool offering the opportunity to establish savings ethics as a student. It’s […]

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Benefits of a savings account-1

A savings account is a deposit in a bank that earns a nominal rate of interest. Bonds and stocks are good options to invest in when looking for long term returns and when open to taking risks. However, a savings account can be a more suitable investment for some people due to some of the […]

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How to open a savings account for a non-citizen

The best thing to do to help yourself financially if you have just arrived in the country is to open a savings account with a bank. This will give you the necessary financial confidence to take things forward. The rules for opening a savings account are, of course, different for foreigners. For one, you will […]

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Pros and cons of having a savings account

Everyone wants to keep their money safe and one of the best ways to ensure the security of the money is to maintain a savings account. All leading banks in the country provide an opportunity for the people to have the above-mentioned type of account. However, there are some pros and cons of having this […]

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Things to consider when opening a savings account

About a decade ago, opening a savings account might not have been prudent since many banks were shutting down and the yields were disappointing. However, the situation has now improved and having a savings account can be useful. One should consider certain factors before opening a savings account. Compare and study One should look at […]

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