
Credit cards

Pros and cons of having a credit card

A credit card is a double-edged sword. If used wisely, it can prove to be a great financial tool, but it can heavily affect your financial well-being if misused. If you intend to own a credit card, knowing how to use it wisely will be helpful. Listed below are a few pros and cons of […]

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Credit cards

The complete guide to a credit card

What is a credit card? A credit card is a plastic card given by a financial organization which lets the holder borrow money from them according to previously stipulated terms like a spending limit. Most people nowadays prefer using credit cards for transactions as you can spend money up to the limit provided without having […]

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Credit cards

The effects of bad credit

A credit score is a three-digit numerical score that denotes the likelihood of repayment of a loan. It is based on data from your previous credit transactions. It also takes account of any state or federal tax liens or legal judgments against you. Your credit score determines whether banks or lenders are willing to approve […]

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Credit cards

Tips and Tricks to Improving a Low Credit Score

Your credit score is a prominent financial feature that directly reflects your financial health. It gives lenders a clear glance to how responsibly you use credit. If your credit score is higher, it’s that much easier to get approvals for loans, credit cards, and also enjoy prime interest rates. If a low or a bad […]

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Credit cards

All you need to know about earned income tax credit

Earned income tax credit is a refundable tax credit given to people from low- to moderate-income families. Earned income tax credit, or EITC has been designed to reduce poverty and to encourage work by supplementing the wages of employees with low wages. EITC has lifted 5.8 million people out of poverty in 2016. But one […]

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Credit cards

Best low-interest credit cards in the country

Having a credit card has now become a necessity for a number of reasons. It is much better than having a personal loan. Also, in recent years, the interest rates on credit cards have significantly reduced, and that surely is favorable for customers. So if you are looking for a credit card, a low-interest one […]

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Credit cards

Everything you need to know about bad credit

When we are talking about Credits, there can be two situations, first, when you have bad credit that is the lenders are not willing to lend you anything and second when you have excellent credit and every potential lender, banks or credits companies are ready to provide you loan whenever you ask for it. You […]

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Credit cards

Everything you need to know about bad credit-1

Credit, essentially means the trust levels that possible lenders possess that you will be repaying the money you borrowed from them. Generally, everyone has a gut feeling about their credit score, and one’s credit could fall anywhere on a scale ranging from having outstanding credit (where credit companies and banks will practically beg one to […]

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Credit cards

A guide to using your credit card

A credit card is a payment card which enables holders to pay for goods and services on the basis of an agreement between them and the card issuer. A lot of individuals believe this card is a getaway to all things wonderful and can be used endlessly. It can definitely be used freely, but if […]

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Credit cards

All about bad credit

Bad credit refers to the financial history of a person or business entity that indicates that they failed to make repayment of a loan or credit in time. The descriptive term bad credit is earned by a history of defaulting on loans on the public record. It means that the individual is labeled as a […]

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